My Inspiration

I write this based my lecture and it’s my book I have read and the tittled is “Could I Do That”

This about my life, about my dream. In my  life I have to much dream but the point of my dream is I want to be a success person, I want to make something that can usefull for my lovely person specially for my parents.

But I know  for achieve my dream it’s not easy, much challenge wait me and I have to through it, and when I try to take my challenge some time I feel give up , and however my lecture told me that “we give up not cause we fail but we fail cause we give up” and his said make me feel don’t try to give up beside that he told me that ” if you feel like quitting, remember why you start” and its very help me for doing best in my life, so just make my self for feeling good about my problem.

And my lecture have changed about my life, he is to be my inspiratory and my motivator about my life after my Mom and my Dad.

I you  fail and you feel upset don’t be so sad, just surround you self with positive people who always give you support for try again after you get your dream, and I not yet meet many positive people in my life but I want to try find them.

So if you have a big dream you must have a small dream before, I have heard that “A man who moves a mountain it’s start with carrying a small stone”, its mean you should not to achieve you big dream firstly but just start with you small dream that not need a long time to achieve it. And you small dream can used to your experience for get your big dream.

And if you fail when you start to achieve you dream, don’t worry about that, “Its okay if we fail with something we haven’t done before” so if you fail for the fist time its is humanity so just make it be learn for you, and try again until you can do it, you can achieve your dream.

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